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Drop your puppy off with us for a full 8 day and let us get them started on basic puppy training! This program is designed for puppies as young as 8 weeks-6 months. Your puppy will work inside in a home environment to learn inside and outside manners in the yard. This is great if you have a puppy that needs to learn how to play properly with other dogs, learn how to not bite so hard during play (which helps with them being bitey with you) and how to safely and properly socialize other dogs.

Socialization with other dogs is one of the most important things you can offer your puppy. Puppies learn A LOT from mature and well-socialized dogs, which is why Lara's little terrier Ewok and Standard Poodle Archie are great training assistants. Ewok typically does not want to play and is great at teaching puppies to disengage and learn dog body language. Archie is playful and teaches puppies how to have mutual, safe and proper play without learning bad habits.  


Structured dog socialization 

Impulse control to help with barking, charging/jumping on guests, food manners and gives them a place to be calm and settle

Confidence building

Puppy Desensitization by socializing them with new textures, objects and sounds so they grow up confident and not anxious or fearful our human world.

Door manners to teach them to not rush to or push out of doors 

Crate training, which will help with potty training and teaches them to take those needed puppy naps to prevent a crazy or cranky puppy.

Basic commands such as sit, down, leave it and drop it. 


Educational handouts

3 in-home appointment with Lara

Discount on upgrading

Proper Puppy

This is our puppy board and train where you will leave your puppy with us for 10 days of intensive training. Your puppy must be at least 4 months of age before starting this program. Your puppy will stay with me 5 days straight Mon-Friday. Friday evening I will bring your puppy back to your home and provide puppy education and homework to do over the weekend, which will be your first in home appointment. This will help me work out any kinks you had over the weekend and it is super important to have the time to do the weekend homework to prevent any regression. On Monday morning you will drop your puppy back off at my home and they will stay until Friday  and you will have your second in home appointment. Puppy training is not all about teaching them obedience, but the most vital part is socializing them so they can be calm and proper in your daily life! Each day is spent working at your pup's pace and the more they progress the more distractions we can challenge them with. 


Leash manners where they learn to let you guide the way and not pull

Unstructured walks to let them explore the world, practice coming when called and improve engagement in public

Confidence building

Puppy Desensitization by socializing them with new textures, objects and sounds so they grow up confident and not anxious or fearful our human world.

Door manners to teach them to not rush to or push out of doors 

Impulse control with guests, dogs, food and giving them a set fixed place to be calm and settle

Crate training to help with potty training and prevents an adrenalized puppy that grows up to be an adult dog that doesn't know how to settle.

 Structured dog socialization in a safe and controlled environment

Socialization in real-world environments

Basic commands such as sit, down, leave it and drop it.


Training Leash


Homework Sheets

Eligible to join FREE pack walks

Discount on any upgrades

5 in-home appointments with Lara

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